Origins of EFOW

Energy For One World is a Leading Practice (“Mission”) on Global Change, Energy Architecture  Peace, Climate & UN Sustainable Development and our Leadership

Let us direct our work and collective efforts towards attaining 

“Energy Free of Concerns & Societies Free of Concerns”

Here and There. Now and Tomorrow

Adriaan Kamp, 2016 – Specially Formulated for the UN Sustainable Development Goals


The Formative Years

The practice Energy For One World was founded by the authoring of the Book (2012)  with the same name. It was based on a most formative, learning if not adventurous career and 20+ years working experiences our Founder gained within (Upstream) International Big Oil, the Shell Corporation and Energy Industry.

The quest of the book was simple:

How do we fuel 9 billion people sharing One Planet, reliably, affordably and sustainably, and stay out of trouble?

The essence of the book, was then and there possible, and thanks to the (international, world energy) professional experiences and insights gained, first hand. 

Let us name three key elements: – :

On the back of an envelope, and as we were looking over this century, we could not make the energy balance between (energy) supplies and demand meet.  The age of easy oil was coming to an end, and our geologists and explorationists shared the realities and the strength of our reserves and underground (“creaming curves”). With the rise of Asia and the Global South, it was difficult to see how this new growth in demand could be fueled with the reserves and/or new clean-t-ech solutions, and satisfy the hunger for energy needed over this century.

Another thing- that was evident and clear: The Energy Sector needed some healing from some historic grown poor habits or behaviors, and some re-organisations/ re-orientations- if it were to be able to make some room for the new (away from the politicking, lobby and interests) and allow for a peaceful , social just and great world energy realization.

Add to that the UN 2030 (SDG) Agenda on Climate and our Planetary Boundaries.

It needed to find some new World View, Tone of Voice, and Ways of Working- within the Sector, between the Countries and Professionals, and with the New (Clean-tech, Electrification).

From its conception, Energy For One World (EFOW)  has been an independent and leading practice (“Mission”) focused on organizing the delivery of Sustainable Energy Architectures and UN Sustainable Developments into Sustainable Societies. The hybrid organization is focused on creating and developing outreach programs, consultancy and hands-on programs in, for and between markets and organisations.

With a small team of high-level professionals and relevant peer relationships crossing the Globe, and with deep expertise in both the Energy Sector and the UN SDGs – from Academia, Business and Government – the EFOW practice is uniquely positioned “to open some new doors”, to create “some new bridges of actions, peace and understanding”, to build “cross- border, cross-sector collaborations and impact” and to help to foster “the tone of voice and the leadership values” that are relevant for the changes we may need, or seek.

Since our inception in  2012, we’ve consistently evolved the narrative, held the mirror towards the incumbent Leadership (Political Elite, Energy Boardroom Elite- in the East and the West, the North and the South) and produced new creative forms and formats for Executive Leadership & Outreach and Transforming Programs that genuinely are steered to nudge our mainstream corporate and government administrations towards the common goals we seek.

Year 2025: “Focus on the Essentials¨ 

“MIssion Energy For One World” focuses on “the Essentials”, i.e. the key drivers of change, realities, and organizing opportunities on good future making on Energy and Energy Transition, Paris Agreement, and the UNSDGs/ UN Pact for the Future.

To uphold our (common shared) Ideals. 

The year 2025 is an important year, as for the continued test of our Global Institutions and Geo-Political Relationships, and to see if our energy-economic architectures and sector are truly able to mend the curve.

The direction of our economic development, and the aggregate of our country’s developments matter today, as we already have crossed some serious planetary and social inequalities.

In essence, we are invited to transit and transform our present “ System A”  into (much more of) “ System B” .(Focus on EFOW Good Future Making

From start- we will make special time and attention to  Focus on the Essentials given the ” New Energy Realities” and “the Situation We Are In”.

With that, we mean: 

Our focus in year 2025 will be on stimulating “the more good and constructive behaviors” in our Governments and Corporations, whilst deeply understanding some of the more sobering realities we are in:

In Our Geo-Politics, in our Energy and Economy Plays, and in the Relationships we have with Nature and between Ourselves. Peace!

An overview of our appraisal of the State of Our World, relevant for Energy and Energy Transition- and the present behaviors of our Governments and Corporations- can be found in our Year-End Overview: EFOW Year 2024 in Review- The State of Our World- for Energy, Energy Transitions- Full Paper 

Our Practice mission and focus, is simple:-

Our practice approach is mild:  inspiring and supporting our customers to organize the system and organizational changes needed  (transition, transformation) and integrate the Paris Agreement/ Peace & UN sustainable development agenda in the better energy architecture, transition,  country -social and -economic developments.

To uphold the Ideals. To work towards Energy For One World.


We understand that every Nation and every Company, Community and Organisation has his own history, culture and natural needs of change and progression.


We value conscious and forward leadership –  respecting the identities and values of local communities, people and nations

Our key customer target audience and focus groups are:

1. Senior Leaders responsible for making Energy Architecture, Peace and UN Sustainable Development change happen to scale. In governments, (energy) corporations, (energy) institutes or organizations.

2. Entrepreneurs, Corporate game-changers and future business leaders and influencers who look out to be part in the positive change – and want to be part of the solution- not the problem.

3. (Executive) Educators and Educational Institutes who want to improve the relevance and impact of their executive educational programs on the topics of Global Change,  Peace, Energy Architecture, Climate Change and UN Sustainable Development-  and our Leadership – and with the help of our practice programs know-how or skills. 


We thank you for your continued trust and support in our practice and working methods.
