Mission Energy For One World Foundation (New!)

The Hague, 6th January 2025

Mission EFOW 2025

“MIssion Energy For One World” focuses on “the Essentials”, ie. the key drivers of change, realities, and organizing opportunities on good future making on Energy and Energy Transition, Peace, Climate and the UNSDGs/ UN Pact for the Future.

The year 2025 is an important year, as for the continued test of our Global Institutions and Geo-Political Relationships, and to see if our energy-economic architectures and sector are truly able to mend the curve (from System A towards System B):

How to reliably, sustainably, and harmoniously fuel and provide energy to all people on the planet? 

The direction of our economic development, and the aggregate of our country’s developments matter today, as we already have crossed some serious planetary and social inequalities.

Some of the other key drivers of change include the direction of our human development, the strength of our underground (for energy sources) , our Geo-Politics and the relationship with nature. 

In essence, we are invited to transit and transform our present “ System A”  into (much more of) “ System B” .

From start- we will make special time and attention to  “Focus on the Essentials” given the ” New Energy Realities” and “the Situation We Are In”.

With that, we mean: 

Our focus in year 2025 will be on stimulating “the more good and constructive behaviours” in our Governments and Corporations, whilst understanding some of the more sobering realities we are in- and the great opportunities we have- to mend the curves:

In Our Geo-Politics, in our Energy and Economy Plays, and in the Relationships we have with Nature and between Ourselves.

An overview of our appraisal of the State of Our World, relevant for Energy and Energy Transition- and the present behaviours of our Governments and Corporations- can be found in our Year-End Overview: EFOW Year 2024 in Review- The State of Our World- for Energy, Energy Transitions- Full Paper 

“Mission Energy For One World” aims to focus on this good future making, brings a message of Hope and Peace, and is to support, inspire and stimulate You for the better dialogues and to help mend You and (Y)our organization for the positive progressive changes that are possible.

Our Good Future- simply deserves that!

Our Key Objectives:

* **Focus on “the Essentials”:** Identify and address the fundamental drivers of change, realities, and opportunities for a sustainable energy future.

* **System Transition:** Transition from the current unsustainable “System A” to a more sustainable “System B” in terms of energy production and consumption.

* **Improve Behaviors:** Encourage and stimulate more positive and constructive behaviors in governments and corporations.

* **Address Realities:** Acknowledge and understand the sobering realities of current geopolitical, energy, economic, and environmental situations.

* **Promote Good Future Making:** Foster hope and peace- support efforts for better dialogues and positive progressive changes.


“Mission Energy For One World” aims to contribute to a more sustainable and equitable energy future by focusing on the “Essentials” and promoting positive change.**

Program Leads and Initiative Takers:

Dr Singh- (former) Chief General Manager ONGC, India, EFOW Partner & Fellow 

Adriaan Kamp- Founder Energy For One World